Benelux Alternatives and Private Markets Symposium

Nov 22nd 2023
Hilton The Hague
The Hague

This annual event brings together senior investment officials from leading pension funds, foundations and insurers in the Benelux region to discuss investing in alternative assets  in a confidential environment. The symposium will cover on all things real estate, infrastructure, private equity, private debt and hedge funds, with an emphasis on break-out discussion groups on particular topics, giving investors opportunities to compare views and learn more about particular strategies and asset classes.


Assumption of Risk

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending this event, you agree to be voluntarily bound to our Assumption of Risk terms, which can be found HERE.

Atendee List

In 2022 we welcomed officials from leading pension funds, foundations and insurers in the Benelux region, such as:

Almazara Real Assets Advisory

FMO - Netherlands Development Finance Company

F.G. Waller fonds

Jacob Management & Investment Services

M.J. Hudson Allenbridge

MN Services


PGB Pensioendiensten


Roots Investments

Shell Asset Management Company B.V.



For more information or general enquiry, please contact:

Nouri Verghese

Executive Director, Global Memberships
+44 (0) 207 303 1750

For Asset Managers interested in membership opportunities, please contact:

Stefanie Sables

Executive Sales Director 
+44 (0) 207 303 1712